Club Competition 2019

Horsham Life Saving Club Club Competition 2019


Our three Club Lifesaving Competitions will be held on the Club nights of 7th, 14th and 28th November with 21st November being used as a mop-up week giving people an opportunity to catch up on any events missed in the previous two weeks.  It is expected that all club members will participate.

The 28th November will be the Incident Competition.  In this, everyone will assemble in one of the Group Changing Rooms before being called individually to compete in the dry incident.  You will then be led to poolside to compete in the aquatic incident.  One minute before coming on poolside each will be handed a short briefing note giving basic information.

You will be required to be dressed in full length trousers and a top with full length sleeves worn over swimwear for the Incident Competitions. These will start in the dry session at about 8.45pm and in the pool at 9pm sharp.

The other dates are for the Speed and the Set Piece competitions details of which you will find below. There is nothing here that will present any problem to you if you have been training for or already passed the Bronze Medallion so it is expected that everyone will participate.        


There are many different levels of skill within the club, to make the competition equal there will be three levels of competitors – Teachers/Distinction holders, club members and a separate level for Novices (Non-Bronze Medallion holders) although everyone will compete together.   The club member’s level will be split into girls and boys categories.

Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each competition and the winners will also hold a trophy for a year. These will be presented at our Annual Presentation Evening on 9th January 2020.

In addition, the scores for all 3 competitions will be added together and whoever has the highest aggregate score will hold the Overall Champions Cup for a year.  There is a Shield to be awarded to the novice (non-Bronze Medallion holder) who achieves the highest aggregate score as well as a separate rope throw rescue competition for them.

We will of course need casualties so some people will be casualties before their turn and others after, except for the Incident when outside people will be used.

Club Competition 2019 – Speed Events 7th November

EVENT 1 – Paddle Board  

Each competitor will mount a steadied paddle board from a standing position in the shallow end and on the command ‘GO’ will paddle their board to the far end of the pool. The event will be timed starting from the command ‘GO’ and ending when the front of the board crosses the finishing line.

Competitors will be allowed two ‘runs’ with the fastest time counting.

Marks will be allocated on the basis of the fastest person overall being awarded the number of points equal to the number of competitors with each slower time being allocated one less point than the previous person.

EVENT 2 – Manikin Carry

This event will be run in heats of 4 against the clock and against each other.  Straddle entry at the deep end and swim 25m. Pick up a ½ filled manikin at the shallow end and carry it to the deep end.  Time starts on the whistle and the time stops when the competitor touches the edge of the pool.

Marks will be allocated on the basis of the fastest person overall being awarded the number of points equal to the number of competitors with each slower time being allocated one less point than the previous person.

EVENT 3 – Manikin Tow    

This event will be run in heats of 4 against the clock and against each other.  Straddle entry at the deep end with a rescue tube and swim 25m. Secure the rescue tube to a ½ filled manikin and tow to the deep end.  Time starts on the whistle and the time stops when the competitor touches the edge of the pool.

Marks will be allocated on the basis of the fastest person overall being awarded the number of points equal to the number of competitors with each slower time being allocated one less point than the previous person.

EVENT 4 – Obstacle/Manikin Medley

This event will be run in heats of 4 against the clock and against each other.  Straddle entry at the deep end and swim 25m swimming under one obstacle.  Pick up ½ water filled manikin at the shallow end and tow to the obstacle.  Time starts on the whistle and the time stops when the competitor touches the obstacle on the 2nd length.

Marks will be allocated on the basis of the fastest person overall being awarded the number of points equal to the number of competitors with each slower time being allocated one less point than the previous person.

Club Competition 2019 – Set Piece Events 14th & 21st November

Event 1 – Reach Rescue  

Starting the event in full length trousers and a top with full length sleeves worn over swimwear undertake a reaching rescue of a casualty 2.5 m away in deep water using both pieces of clothing. Assist the casualty to land and treat for shock. 

Marks will be allocated for technique, instructions and casualty handling.

Event 2 – Sculling

Starting in full length trousers and a top with full length sleeves worn over swimwear at the deep end, perform a slide in entry and then scull feet first for 25m and then 25m head first back to the deep end.

Marks will be allocated on the basis of the fastest person overall being awarded the number of points equal to the number of competitors with each slower time being allocated one less point than the previous person.

Additional points will be given for technique.

Event 3 – Line Throw     

From the deep end of the pool effect a rescue with an un-weighted rope over 10 metres.  Start with extended rope, feet together with hands by your sides, coil rope using either method to rescue the casualty.

The event is timed and the time starts with the time keeper’s command and ends when the casualty touches the end. The test finishes when the casualty has been rescued, placed in a position of safety and appropriately dealt with.

Marks will be allocated on the basis of the fastest person overall being awarded the number of points equal to the number of competitors with each slower time being allocated one less point than the previous person.

Additional points will be given for technique, instructions and casualty handling.

Event 4 – Wade Rescue

Commencing the test on the pool side at the shallow end, enter the water with a rope and conduct a wading and rope throw rescue of a weak casualty 10 metres away, assist at pool side and then to land using a stirrup lift and provide aftercare.

Marks will be allocated for technique, instructions and casualty handling.

Event 5 – Manikin Carry

Enter the water at the shallow end and swim 20 metres. Undertake a feet first surface dive to recover a manikin from the bottom of the pool and ‘rescue’ the manikin back to the shallow end. Test finishes when the manikin is in the support position as if to conduct shallow water resuscitation.

Marks will be allocated for technique, instructions and ‘casualty’ handling.

Club Competition 2019 – Incidents 28th November

Event 1 – Dry Incident

Competitors must start dressed in clothes, full length trousers and a top with full length sleeves worn over swimwear.

The competitor will be briefed before entering the incident room.  The competitor will only have 90 seconds from entering the room to deal with the incident.

Event 2 – Aquatic Incident

Following the dry incident competitors will be taken to poolside after being briefed for the aquatic incident, competitors will still be clothed.

The competitor will only have 90 seconds from entering poolside to deal with the incident.

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